Cookie Policy

How We Use Cookies

Like many other websites, we store and retrieve information on your browser using a variety of cookies. The cookies are used to:

  •  Ensure the site works as you would expect it to
  • Help us improve our site based on insights from user visits

List of cookies used by Henbrandt Ltd.

All cookies are anonymous so they can’t be linked to any personal information and most are Strictly Necessary in order to make the site work. The Performance cookies we use can be turned on and off at any time in your browser and full instructions on how to do this can be found at (Last update – 5th April 2018)

Strictly necessary cookies
These cookies are essential so that the website works as expected during your visit, as well as remember essential preferences such as your cookie consent. Most are deleted at the end of your session.

Site cookie acceptance
This is used to record if a user has consented to the use of cookies on our website.

PHP Session
This cookie is set when a user first loads a page and is crucial to the basic operation of the website. .It lasts the duration of the user session + 30 minutes and is removed when the user closes their browser. It does not store any user information; it is used to maintain a unique link between the browser and the site for the purposes of information requests and session data.

Performance cookies
We use some Performance Cookies to help us understand how people are using our website, so we can make it better.

Google Analytics
These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited. This information is shared with Google, who may compile it with other information they hold.

Please note, some parts of the site will not work properly if you disable the use of cookies.